Southern States Wrestling 33rd Annual Fall Spectacular

Monday, June 27, 2022

Last call for DVDs and Book Sale coming

If you have not heard already July 4th I will be removing the DVDs for my website. DVDs have became a thing of the past for some. It's very time consuming and I have a lot of other things going on in my life right now. So if you've ever thought about ordering any DVDs this is the last call. If you have ordered in the last couple of weeks I am caught up and everything is going out in the mail a couple of packages at a time this week. 

I will be having a big book sale shortly here on my website. I just ordered a couple cases of books from my Publisher. Once I get worded they are shipped I'll start the sale. For the many of you who have asked me about when my next book is coming out. I'm going through writing the last draft of the third book about my life in wrestling "It Ain't What it Once Was and Neither Am I". Let me tell you just living the last few chapters of this book has about killed me. 

Coming Later tonight Episode 35 of my Patreon Podcast

Listen to my Podcast here

Five years ago yesterday. After some well-thought-out emails, tweets, and conversation to the right people. A story ran on wrestler "Progressive Liberal" Daniel Richards. Within a matter of hours of this first story that ran with mistakes in it. He was everywhere. I sent emails to correct the mistakes in the first story. Two get a second story. I've heard of going viral but until it happens to you, you have no idea. 

That day I went from playing with Waylon to being on the phone with HBO, Sports Illustrated, BBC America and all four national broadcast news companies. Over the next few days Dan's picture ran in thousands of  newspapers across the World. My name was mentioned in most of the stories. 

Everywhere we went for the next few weeks we had National media coverage. Heck  we had National TV crews following us around. Everyone except CNN treated us like royalty. Every time we thought the 15 minutes was over something else came along. 

It's amazing how this story took off. I knew it could get a little bit of publicity. I had no idea that it would go viral not only Nationwide but Worldwide. Media came from Norway, Germany and Japan. It proved to me everything that I have thought and said about the media, politics, and TV being a complete work is the truth. Not one single media Outlet reported the story as it should have been reported. They all reported it to fit their agenda. Even after they were corrected over and over by me and Dan. 

My thought for the day is this if a hillbilly wrestler from the hills of East Tennessee and his friend can create such a media storm that made such news. How twisted and turned are the news stories that are being given/created by people with money and power? Wake up America!

The best part of the entire deal was the journey with Dan. The one thing that they did get right in every story is mine and his friendship.

I'm recording the next episode of my podcast in a few minutes. It will be out later tonight. I'll discuss the "Progressive Liberal" Daniel Richards and our wild ride of national and international news 5 years ago. What did the media get right? What did they get wrong? Who was easy to work with? Who was not? How long did our 15 minutes last? 

Our Big S.S.W. Double Header Returns July 9! Plus AMW July 3

For the first time in 2 1/2 years I will be wrestling in Kingsport and for the first time in 3 years I will be wrestling in Gray. All of this takes place on Saturday July 9th. Southern States Wrestling doubleheader day. 2 big FREE events! Also at both events FREE food, drinks, games, bounces houses, and much more! Fireworks in Gray at dark. Bring your family and tell your neighbors. I hope to see you there. 

Also I will be wrestling Sunday July 3 in Caolrun Village (Pikeville), KY for Appalachian Mountain Wrestling at the BIG Independence Festival. This is also a FREE event!