Southern States Wrestling 33rd Annual Fall Spectacular

Thursday, December 24, 2015

My audio program "Do Ya Wanna Be A Wrestler, Kid?" is back

After nearly a year break my blog talk program "Do Ya Wanna Be A Wrestler, Kid?" is back with a special two part episode featuring rare audio from 1974 of Mario Galento speaking openly (exposing the business) about Pro Wrestling on Memphis' WE Radio.

Mario pleads his case of why he was blackballed. Who was behind it.  How wrestling has changed in his time. He also takes calls from wrestling fans.

Also I talk about what is coming up with the program and his Southern States Wrestling's upcoming Silver Anniversary.

You can listen to the new episodes of "Do Ya Wanna Be A Wrestler,Kid?" plus all the past programs with guest like Bill Dundee, Les Thatcher, Randy Hales, and others by clicking the link

Do Ya Wanna Be A Wrestler, Kid? POD cast

Monday, December 7, 2015

Relive the Memories of just some of the rich history of East Tennessee Wrestling

After years of searching finding and saving the only footage of  Southeastern Wrestling out of Knoxville, TN. I'm happy to say that all the remaining footage has been converted to DVD. The set is now 4 DVDs with nearly 8 hours of footage from the arenas and studio.

The new DVD just added features Bobby Eaton, Dutch Mantell, Harley Race, Kevin Sullivan, and may others in footage thought to be lost for ever. Below is a highlight video of just a few minutes of the great wrestling action and interviews you will get in these 4 DVDS on sale now to the right hand side of the page for only $24.50

WAIT THERE IS MORE!!! Buy the Knoxville 4 DVD set between now and December 31 and get a very special FREE DVD of Ron Wright's All Star Wrestling

Here is a look at Ron Wright's All Star Wrestling that opened in 1979 and battled Ron Fuller's Southeastern Wrestling in a Territorial Feud over East Tennessee, East Kentucky, and South West Virginia. The TV program aired on Channel 26 in Knoxville, Channel 19 in Kingsport, and Channel 57 in Hazard. It was a short lived promotion lasting less than two years but as you see had lots of action and talent.

BUT WAIT THERE IS IS EVEN MORE!!!! - For the first time ever two great audio CDs are now available of interviews from John Cazana's Wide World of Wrestling early 1970s. Audio taped off of TV featuring Ron and Don Wright, Lou Thesz, Jimmy Kent, Steve Kovacs, Jim Lancaster, and many more! Below is just three of the many interviews that are featured on these great CDs. Buy them now on the right hand side of this page for only $12

Rare audio of The Wrights on John Cazana's Wide World of Wrestling with host Big Jim Hess

Big Jim Hess interviews Ron Wright on John Cazana's Wide Word of Wrestling Konxville, TN TV early 70s. Ron is talking about his upcoming "Wire Match" with Steve Kovacs. You also hear Promoter John Cazana

Their wrestling style, interviews and just about everything else were complete opposites but Ron Wright and Lou Thesz together was magic. Here is Jim Hess interviewing both men from John Cazana's Wide World of Wrestling Knoxville early 70

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pre Order my 3rd book NOW - Don't Miss This!!! The History of Kingsport Wrestling 1960s - Free DVD with Pre Orders

Front cover of my new book

The DVD that comes with Pre Orders

After 20 years of research, interviews, trips to places where the events took place.I'm happy to announce that we are in the final stage before press of my book "Don't Miss This - The history of Pro Wrestling in Kingsport, TN 1960-1969"

The book is going to press Monday November 30, 2015. I will be taking pre orders until then. Each pre order will be signed by me and it will come with a very special DVD with rare footage of many Kingsport Legends not seen in years. After November 30th the DVD will not be offered with the book as a free gift.

The book includes

- Forward by Jim Cornette
- Complete history of Pro Wrestling in the Model City from Carnival At Shows to Smoky Mountain Wrestling
- The fact that Kingsport was it's own booking office separate from Knoxville
- How did Wrestling in Kingsport effect what would become Mid Atlantic Wrestling
- Dozens of rare pictures
- A Look at the arenas in The Kingsport Territory
- A Look at the Kingsport Office and what is in them now
- The weekly line ups that were printed in the papers
- The results that were printed in the papers
- Bios on stars like Ron Wright, Whitey Caldwell, Sam Steamboat, Tiny York, Cora Combs, Lou Thesz,and other
- Memories and quotes from men and women who wrestled here 
- What does a convicted murderer who died in a New Jersey prison have to do with Kingsport Wrestling?
- Why was the biggest card of the year held in the summer?
- How was Knoxville and Kingsport Wrestling different at different times of the year?
- How the biggest drawing feud in the history of this region started by accident
- The Legend of Ron Wright's Chisel
- The change in ownership 4 times in a decade. 
- Could a match here in 1966 given birth to the idea of MMA?
- What member of Japanese House of Councillors wrestled in Kingsport?
- How did the most brutal match in East Tennessee history The Chain Match get to Tennessee?
- A letter from a tag team to a famous promoter in the North trying to get booked out of Kingsport
- all of this and much more

This book will entertain and educate you. I hope it gives you a new understanding and appreciation for Pro Wrestling of this era. 

Make your order now at for only $29.95 free shipping inside the USA - Order Now right hand side of this page. Thank You

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Upcoming events for Thanksgiving week

The Dynamic James Wrestling Duo returns to Middle TN. I will be wrestling Tony Falk

Hazard is one of the hottest towns going right now and the people of East Kentucky are not happy with me whipping their home town boys. I will be in a match where my Whip is on Top of A Pole.

PLEASE BRING A TOY to help a child have a Merry Christmas

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Busy upcoming week.

Going to be a busy day for us Saturday. Two Events six hours apart in travel time.

BCW Thurs. Night in Hazard, KY

New Origins Wrestling next  Friday in Irvine, KY

Don't miss The Southern States Wrestling Two Virginias' Fall Spectacular in Bluefield, WV Oct. 10
Lucky fans will win great prizes. One fan will win $$ CASH $$

Big news here next week on S.S.W. returning to the Tri-Cities area

Preview of book three "It ain't what it once was"

Over the last couple of years people have sent me pictures on social media of matches I have zero memory of. I spent a day a few weeks ago going through two boxes of pictures covering my career. I saw people I had no clue who they were and faces I could not remember the names that went with them. With twenty five plus years on the road it all runs together at times.

There are some moments that are burnt in my mind for ever. Some good and some bad. Some matches, arenas, people, and events do stand out. This story is about a weekend that I will never forget.

Here is a match of me vs. Brian Logan from March 1st 1997 at The Ashland , KY Armory. I was in so much pain wrestling with a partially dislocated hip and cracked tail bone. I had gotten the injuries the week before in North Carolina but when I broke in I was told you don't miss bookings period. Over my quarter century of being in the ring I can count on one hand the bookings I have missed. I was not going to miss these no matter what. So I self medicated and battled through. Not advice I would give anyone now.

This was a crazy weekend as on the way up to Ashland it started raining. As the event was going on we were inside a big armory and had no clue how bad it was out side. It became known as the Flood of '97.

I was traveling with my friend "The Duke" Al Getz we had did an event in my home town of Fall Branch the night before and were booked in Cleveland Ohio the afternoon after this match. By the time we got near the Ohio River the roads were closed due to the rushing waters. The two things that stand out about the short trip from Ashland to Flatwoods was seeing a bath tub floating down the road. The other came from a talk radio show we were listening to. I can not remember who the host was or much about the show other than it was about UFOs. They were taking calls and a caller called in and asked the host "Are you still afraid of elevators you douche bag?". That got some laughs that were needed.

It ended up that we had to turn around and make our way back to Ashland then go through Huntington and Charleston West Virginia to get to Cleveland. We ended up sleeping in my car at a rest area for a few hours and getting to Cleveland about an hour before bell time.

As the night and day went on my pain grew. The event started around 2:00 PM and I went to the ring at almost 8:00 PM. Yes a six hour card. To this day I still do not understand that one. I was in a cage match with a partner I can not remember vs. the promoter G Moe and his partner Phyico Mike. I climbed up on the top rope fighting with one of them and they knocked me off to the ring canvas. When I hit I had pains go through me like never before.

The Duke and I made it out alive and made our way to our hotel room. I could not get to sleep because of the pain I spent most of the night trying to comfortable. No luck when the Duke got up I told him we have got to get home. I knew I need to go to a doctor and I was not about to do it in the city known as "The Mistake by The Lake".

The trip was awful. Still high waters. Lots of traffic on the interstate because most secondary roads around the Ohio River were closed. On the way back near the West Virginia line we saw a car try to cross the water and get swept away. I spent most of the trip in the passenger seat leaned all the way back and laying on my stomach or side. The longer it went not only did I hurt more but I was getting sicker.

Thank God the Duke was with me. He got me back to my family. My mother took me to the E.R. and it was not long before I was headed to what they called a minor surgery.

It turned out that I was born with a Pilonidal Cyst. I had no clue it was there. It had never acted up. It had never hurt. It was just there. Both my Mom and one of my sisters had them and theirs flared up in child birth. It seems when I cracked my tail bone it flared. In Cleveland when I took the fall off the cage it broke my tail bone and the cyst. The infections was in me.

So they had a doctor come in and pop my hip which I think death would have been easier. Then I was prepped and off to get cut on. They cut it opened. Cleaned it out and packed gauze pads around my tail bone so it would grow back together correctly. I was told "this will bother you for the rest of your life".

I had the surgery around 8:30 PM on Monday. I was sent home around Midnight I was told to go home, rest, take these meds, clean the lance 4 times a day, come back in a week and stay out of the ring at least six weeks.

I was back in the ring Thurs, Friday, and Saturday that week. You don't miss bookings remember. This might have been one of the reason I had to have major back surgery in 2014.

Thanks for reading. Below is the match from Ashland

Beau James
sinner saved by grace and pro wrestler

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Remembering my friend Mark Curtis

Sixteen years ago today we lost Brian Hildebrand aka Mark Curtis to cancer. It just does not seem possible that it has been that long. Below is a tribute I wrote in my first book "Do Ya Wanna Be A Wrestler, Kid?" about Brian. I"m sharing it today so you can see what a special person he was.

His picture along with several others who I knew hang in my office I see them every day. Brian was a wrestling historian, great in the ring as a wrestler or ref, and he was a great friend.

Mark Curtis reffing in WCW

 The death that I have the hardest time dealing with is one that I knew was coming, one that we were trying to prepare for.  But the truth is, you can‟t prepare for death.

 In 1991, famed wrestling manager and historian Jim Cornette moved to East Tennessee and opened up a territory called Smoky Mountain Wrestling.  Cornette, like every other wrestling booker, brought in his guys.  He had a great crew of wrestlers, all of whom had history here in this area.  When I first saw his TV program, I knew everyone except the referee, a long-time friend of Jim‟s by the name of Brian Curtis Hildebrand, better know by his professional name, Mark Curtis.  Brian was from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  He got his start in wrestling as a photographer for the wrestling magazines, but he always wanted to be in the ring.

Hildebrand started out as a manager in 1984 in the independents in the Northeast United States.  He was a heel manager, and he managed Cactus Jack at one time as an evil Jewish character named Hymie P. Weiss.  In 1986, he began training at Dominic DeNucci‟s wrestling school in Freedom, Pennsylvania.

 In late 1991, Brian moved to Morristown, Tennessee.  He did just about every job you can imagine for SMW.  He and his girlfriend Pam ran the merchandise, he helped with publicity, and he picked guys up at the airport and drove them around.  He did whatever was needed, and even from time to time wrestled on house shows as Kowabunga The Ninja Turtle.

 I briefly met him at a Telethon for a local children‟s hospital in Kingsport in May of 1995.  A few weeks later, I was working a few shots for the Memphis territory USWA, and Brian was in there wrestling and managing as they were doing a SMW vs. USWA feud.  I was around him for a few days and we got to talking.  

 In July, the girlfriends of Ricky Morton and Tracy Smothers got into a fight at a Kingsport bar.  The fight made the newspapers.  Ricky‟s girlfriend had a bad eye injury and she pressed charges on Tracy‟s girl.  It was a mess.  As a result, Ricky was fired/quit SMW and USWA.  As soon as I got the word, I called Ricky and he came to work for me weekly at Fall Branch and to book SSW.  I went out and booked other towns all around here.  Ricky was right on TV and was now on my events.  It helped me, and we both were making money.

 Thanksgiving night of 1995, Ricky made a surprise return to Smoky Mountain.  I drove him down and helped sneak him into the building.  As I was standing the back of the Knoxville Coliseum, Brian came over and talked to me about how my events were doing and this and that.  He said, “Hey, I‟m going to come check out one of your events in a couple of weeks.”  I said, “OK,” thinking nothing of it.  

 That Sunday night, I was sitting home watching TV when Ricky called and told me that SMW had closed.  Jim had shut the promotion down and was going to the WWF fulltime.  Ricky said I needed to book everyone I could from SMW before they moved, and I did.  My regular Friday night wrestling in Fall Branch was doing good business.  One Friday night, I looked up and there was Brian.  I took him in my office, we talked, and he went to work for me the next week.

 Ricky and I had a wrestling school in my building on Tuesday nights.  We had 5 or 6 students coming and paying every week.  Brian started coming every Tuesday helping us.  He did everything he could to help me, and for a lot less than SMW was paying him.  He did it because he loved wrestling.

 One Tuesday night in mid-1996, as we were at the Sampson Center getting ready for the students, Brian came in and said he needed to talk to me.  We went to the office and he said that he had just been hired by WCW.  They had called him that day, and he was scheduled to fly out on Sunday.  I was so happy for him, because I knew he would be getting paid well and doing what he loved.  Then he said that he could still work for me, and I said “Even better!”

 The following Monday, there he was on worldwide TV reffing matches on WCW Nitro.  Nitro at the time was the number-one-rated program on cable TV.  Brian got back Wednesday and called to see if I had watched.  I told him that I had and was so happy for him.  He said he had a booking sheet with all his dates and asked for mine.  I said, “Come on!  Are you serious?  Why would you want to do my towns when you can be home taking it easy?”  He said, “Because I love wrestling.”  And I could identify with that.

 For the next year, Brian would call me when he was home and let me know when he could be at my events.  He would ref, wrestle, manage or whatever I asked him.  He never asked me for a raise, and never said no to anything I asked.  Brian and I got real close.  He came to my home and I went to his often.  I was at his wedding.  Both of us had large collections of wrestling videos, programs, magazines, and everything else wrestling.  We would trade and talk wrestling all day.

 In October of 1997, I had planned to go to Memphis to visit my sister and her family and go to USWA TV to talk to Randy Hales about a job.  I asked Brian if he could be in charge of the matches in SSW that week.  He said, “Well, I need to talk to you about that.”  I asked if he was going to be with WCW, and he told me, “No, I‟m doing TV Monday then coming home Tuesday and having surgery Wednesday.”  I asked what was going on, and he said they were going to take care of an ulcer.  “It‟s killing me.  I have heartburn and can‟t eat.”  I asked how long he would be in the hospital, and he said it would be an overnight stay, two days at the latest.  I told him I would call him Friday.

 While I was in Memphis, I tried to call Brian‟s wife Pam on Wednesday night but got no answer.  I called Thursday – no answer.  I called through the weekend – still no answer.  When I finally got through to Brian on Monday, I jokingly said, “Well, you‟re alive,” and I got an answer I was not ready for:  “Yeah…for now.”

 He told me that he had had a much more serious surgery than they had originally planned.   When they went in to look at the ulcer, they discovered that he had cancer in his stomach.  He started telling me what all they had taken out, and how he had no idea how bad it was.  He told me he was going back to the doctor in a few days, and I let him know I would be there to see him in a few days.
 The following Friday night, we were at the Sampson Center and right about bell time, I looked up and there stood Brian.  I took him to my office and we had a long talk.  When I asked why he came, he said it was because he needed something to do.  “I have to get my mind off of all this,” he said.  I reached down on my desk and handed him the book and pencil.  I said “You‟re the boss.”  Brian took over as the booker in November 1997 for SSW.  I gave him free rein to do whatever he wanted with the crew I had.  He went right to work, laying out matches, helping young guys and getting ring music together.  He was doing everything outside the ring that needed to be done.

Match maker Mark Curtis laying down the law

 In January of 1998, I heard a rumor that Randy Hales was reopening Memphis Wrestling.  The USWA had been sold in late ‟97, but the new owners could not handle it and it closed in November.  Buddy Landel was wrestling for SSW regularly, and he told me that he had talked to Randy.  Our lease on the Sampson Center was up in April.  I had a lot of personal and family problems going on at that time, so I told Buddy, “If you get me a full-time job in Memphis, I‟ll kiss ya on the mouth.”  The next morning, Buddy left me a message that said, “Pucker up, brother.”

I called and told Brian I was leaving in April, if not before.  He told me he had had a checkup and things were looking good; if he gained 15 pounds back, they were going to clear him to go back to WCW, but he had to have regular checkups and take meds.  Brian went back to WCW in March.

 On April 16, 1998, I wrestled my long-time rival and most hated opponent, SSW‟s number one fan favorite, Ricky Harrison, in a Loser Leaves Town Match.  Only 3 or 4 guys knew I was leaving.  No one other than my Dad and I knew it was the end of the Sampson Center.  We had built up to this match for three months.  The card was going well.  It was a good crowd, and when it was almost time for the match, I looked up and there stood Brian.  He had just got off a plane and had driven straight to Fall Branch.  He said, “I can‟t miss this.”  I just laughed.

 Ricky Harrison beat me in the match with Brian counting the three count.  Everyone was in shock, including the wrestlers.  I grabbed the mic and said, “This place will not last two weeks without me!”  I went back upstairs and announced to the boys that the next week would be the end of a 6-plus year run.  I told them I was heading to Memphis right after the matches that night.  

 I started for Power Pro Wrestling the next day.  I stayed in contact with Brian every week by phone.  If he was not there, I would talk to Pam and ask her about his health.  In May, Pam called me and told me that Brian would be at the WCW event in Memphis the next Sunday, and that he wanted to see me.  That Sunday, he got to town early and we went to lunch.  We were talking wrestling and seemed to be dancing around the important stuff, so I asked Brian what was going on.  He told me, “It‟s back.”  I was sick to my stomach.  I asked how bad, etc., and he told me did not know.  He was finishing up with WCW the next week and then going home for treatment.
 I called him every week to check on him.  He never complained.  He never wanted pity or sorrow.  I sent him tapes of the Memphis TV shows so he had new stuff to watch.  In early November, I made a trip home to check on my Dad, who was very ill himself.  As I came up I-81, I stopped to see Brian and Pam.  I didn‟t call first because I wanted it to be a surprise.  When I knocked on the door, I was surprised when I saw Brian through the window.  He was no longer able to eat.  He was being fed by a tube and was down to about 90 pounds.  He opened the door with a big smile and hug.  I wanted to cry.  I could not believe what I was seeing.  I visited with Brian for about an hour, and then went on to my Dad‟s.

 My Dad was very ill with a rare heart condition called Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, and was having other troubles they could not pinpoint.  So in less than two hours, I had seen my friend and my Dad both in a bad way.  I made up my mind that I was coming home.  I started calling TV stations in my home area, and only one of them was interested in a wrestling show.  It was the local station that had carried USWA.  I called them, got a meeting, and got things rolling.  Then I went back to Memphis and finished up.

 By the first of the year, I was back in East Tennessee booking towns and getting ready for TV, and Brian was right beside me.  He was helping produce the TV shows, and was even commentating on the matches; he just did not want to be on camera.  He came everywhere we went.  I told him he did not have to, but he insisted.  In March, we were in Big Stone Gap, Virginia.  The place was sold out; this was our first big night off of the TV.  Everyone was so happy.  Brian was sitting in the dressing room where I was.  He had made his rounds to the other dressing room, and was as happy as the rest of us.  I got up to put on my ring jacket, and told my manager P.J. Sharp something.  As I was talking to P.J., he jumped up with his hands out.  Over my shoulder, he had seen Brian fall out of his chair.
 Everyone in our dressing room went to help Brian.  We all loved the guy.  We got him up and put him in his seat again, and I sent a ref to run and get an EMT.   As the EMT came in, Pam came in behind him.  I told her what happened and asked her why Brian felt like he had to be at every event.  She told me, “It‟s what keeps him going.”  The rest of the night our dressing room was very quiet.

 In May, when it was time for our Legends and Hall of Fame event, I had a special award made for Brian to show appreciation and gratitude for a lifetime of hard work in wrestling and for helping with all of our charity events for the previous five years.  My Mom gave him the award right before the Hall of Fame ceremony.  It was the last time Brian was on TV.

 In mid-May, Brian called and asked if I would want to do an event in the Pittsburgh area.  Cody Michaels and Shane Douglas, two of Brian‟s childhood friends who were also wrestlers, were putting together an event called “Curtis Goes Home.”  Brian told me that he wanted me, Roger Anderson, The Duke, and Frank Parker from SSW on it, and that there would be no pay, just a room and a meal.  The money was going to help pay his doctor bills.  I said, “Brian, whatever you need from me, you‟ll get.”

 Shane and Cody pulled off something that no one else could ever do, and it was only done because of Brian.  They got WCW to let Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Shane Douglas, Billy Kidman, Public Enemy and Hugh Morris wrestle on the card.  Beyond the WCW stars, they were also able to get Chris Jericho, Terry Taylor, Jim Cornette, D‟Lo Brown, and Al Snow from WWE, and Chris Candido and Tammy Fytch from ECW.  Other guys who knew Brian all through his career, like Tracy Smothers, Tim Horner, Lord Zoltan, Dickie Flanagan and us SSW guys came as well.  Even Pittsburgh wrestling legends Bruno Sammartino and Dominic DeNucci were there.

 The event was July 30, 1999, at The Rostraver Ice Gardens.  Early that morning, Roger Anderson, his wife Cindy and I left our homes in Fall Branch.  We picked Frank Parker up on the way and made the seven-hour trip to Pittsburgh.  When we got to the hotel and walked in, Brian was the first person we saw.  He was in the lobby greeting everyone when they came in.  This was his day.  In fact, for weeks leading into the event, he had been seemingly doing so much better.  This event was giving him life.

 Everyone worked extra hard in the ring that night.  No one wanted to let Brian down.  We did not let the fact that a bad storm had knocked out the building‟s AC three hours before the first match stop us.  To say it was hot in there would be an understatement.  At the end of the night, all the wrestlers got in the ring with Brian.  It was a great feeling to see his face so lit up.  Everyone left there so happy.  Back at the hotel, everyone gathered in the lounge and we were like a big family.

Group Shot from Curtis Goes Home

 The week after the Curtis Goes Home card, I went to see Brian at his home.  I saw a huge change in him.  I could tell he was not feeling well, but he never complained.  In fact, he never told me he was sick.  I continued calling him every day, and making a 50-mile trip to see him every couple of days like I had been doing.  Each time I left, I felt worse and worse about the situation.  I also wondered how Pam could deal with this.  They loved each other so much.  I used to tell them they were so cute it made me sick.  To this day, I can only imagine what was going on in her head the summer of 1999.
 On September 2, Tracy Smothers went to spend some time with Brian and Pam.  It was Tracy‟s birthday and he wanted to spend it with his friends.  That evening he called me and told me that Brian was real sick, worse than he had seen.  I talked to Brian for just a few seconds; he said that he could not talk.  These words echo in my head as I write this.  He said, “It‟s got me.”

 On September 8, 1999, my friend Brian Curtis Hildebrand's pain ended.  He left the sickness of cancer and his troubles behind.  I was standing less than six feet away from him.  He was only 37 years old.  I think of him every day.  I loved him like a brother.

 The next day I went to edit the SSW TV program.  I normally do TV days on Tuesday, but I had called my production man David Thompson and announcer Joe Wheeler and made plans to do it on Thursday night.  The two were close with Brian and Pam.  When I got to the studio, David had all the matches edited and commercials in.  We just needed to tape the “on tour” segments with Joe, and David had left a two-minute hole for a tribute to Brian.  I brought some videos of Brian to put together.  We could not come up with the words.

 Joe Wheeler was sitting there very quiet, and I asked him, “What do you think?” Joe told David to turn on the microphone, and in one take and with nothing written down he added an emotional, loving voiceover.  

 When Joe finished, he got up and walked out of the studio, and we never saw him again that night.  The passing of Brian was hard on all of us who knew him.  Wrestlers from all the local independents and the major national promotions were at his funeral.  He touched everyone that he ever came in contact with, and even more so the ones that spent the last two years of his life with him.  We saw the battle.  We saw him on days he should have been in the hospital, but not Brian – he was at the matches.  Why?  Because he loved wrestling.

Years later, I came to realize it was not only wrestling but his SSW family he loved.  I think every member of our dressing room was at his funeral, plus my mother and father and nephew Zach.  Brian, I know I will see you again.  We will talk wrestling and trade our wrestling memorabilia, but until then, wrestle in peace, my brother.

Thanks for reading.
Beau James
Jesus Saves

Here is a match with Brian calling the action for SSW TV from May 1999

Monday, September 7, 2015

I was on WYMT TV 57's 5 Star Sports in Hazard KY

Nathan Lyttle and me on the set of 5 Star Sports.
Thanks for Nathan Lyttle for having me on his 5 Star Sports program. Check out Nathan online with Nathan on Facebook or at Nathan's home page

Here is the link to the episode I was on with John Noble WYMT 57's 5 Star Sports with John Noble and Beau James

Wrestling News and Notes

We have had a wonderful summer and the fall is looking to be busy as well for the Dynamic James Wrestling Duo. Here is some news and notes for you.

Upcoming Events
*Thurs. Sept. 10 - National Guard Armory Hazard, KY 7:30pm for Bluegrass Wrestling
*Sat.  Sept. 12 - TAPW Arena Morris, TN  8pm TN All Pro Wrestling
*Sat. Sept. 19- National Guard Armory Mcksville, NC Carolina Big Time Wrestling
*Sat. Oct. 10 - Bluefield Auditorium Bluefield WV - SSW 2 Virginias' Fall Spectacular

More dates TBA this week for MIsty, myself, and  Southern States Wrestling as we are getting ready for our Annual Fall Spectacular and Holiday Events.

I have teamed with Stan Lee and Scott Sterling twice in the last few weeks in Six Man Matches. The three of us all started about the same time and have known each other for 25 years.  Photo by Janice Coffman 

Here is me and Vic The Bruiser from this past week in Buckhorn, KY. I have know Vic for 20 years and wrestled him many times. I have also been on countless events with him over the years. This was my first time teaming with him. photo by Ken Cantrell

Ministry 29 Videos

Here are a few videos from this summer of Donnie Brannen, The Iron Cross, and myself sharing the Gospel from the ring. Jesus SAVES! If you are with a church interested in having us as part of an outreach program or to come and speak email me

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Racine WV this Saturday.

I make my way to Racine WV tis Saturday for the first time in over 10 years. 

Reminder about my books.

Here are a few recent Book reviews from email and amazon. Both of my books are always on sale here and If you would like a signed copy from me and Misty they are right here at the right hand side of this page. My books are also on Kindle by Amazon. If you have read my books please let us know what you thought of them. Thank you for your support on my first two books. Book 3 and 4 are being worked on now.


Just a quick note to say Thank You. I have just read both of your books and drawn much inspiration and strength from your stories and convictions. I don't want to take up to much of your time. So I'll close by simply stating Thank You again. It came at a time when it was greatly needed.



Lots of fun...wrestling and the road.
Format: Kindle Edition

Great read. Stories of wrestling and the road. You will feel like you are in the car with the wrestlers as they travel to some unbelievable places. Get this book and join Beau and some of the legends of wrestling. You will be glad you did.


A good read
Jason Van Leeron
Format: Kindle Edition
This is an interesting story of the small towns that form the backbone of the independent pro wrestling scene. It is well worth the read!

A Roller Coaster Ride in Professional Wrestling!
Brian Westcotton
Format: Paperback
This was an incredible roller coaster ride! Beau James has been involved in professional wrestling ever since he was a teenager. It is the only life he has ever known. This book will inform, entertain, make you laugh, make you cry, make you shake your head and wonder why people would get involved in the first place, etc.

wRESTle in Peace Cora Combs, Buddy Landel, and Roddy Piper

Cora Combs was not just a legend in Tennessee Wrestling she was a pioneer for the sport. She was headlining cards and traveling the worldat a time women were told "you can't do that". She showed them you can. From her humble beginnings in Combs, KY (Hazard area) she would travel the world wrestling in Cuba, Fiji, Africa, and many other spots around the world. Including being the first "Main Event" girl in the Kingsport territory in the 50s and 60s. 

I met Cora when I was just a teenager and her and daughter Debbie have been a special part of my life. I was honored to be a pallbearer for Miss Cora. She is a big part of my upcoming book about Kingsport Wrestling history. Until we meet again wRESTle in Peace Miss Cora

This one hit home hard. I have known Buddy Landel most of my life. I lived, travel, teamed and wrestled him for years. This picture was taken in the late 90s when I was around Buddy every day. He could make you madder than anyone but in 10 minutes it was over and forgotten lol. Buddy was Buddy as Tracy Smothers says. God Bless his wife Donna and family. So long for now Budhole wRESTle in Peace.

The only wrestling picture I ever knew to hang in Buddy's house. Taken after he pinned Ric Flair in Raleigh NC summer 1985. 

The Southern States Wrestling crew and fans paying tribute to Buddy and Cora with a 10 bell Salute. Below is the SSW TV paying tribute to these two wrestling greats.  

Roddy Piper is the only person in pro wrestling I did not meet or get to compete with that I wanted to. I missed him a couple of times over the years by minutes. If all you know of him is his WWE and WCW work do yourself a favor and look him up from L.A., San Francisco, Portland, Georgia, and Mid Atlantic. 

This is the Piper I will remember from Mid Atlantic wrestling. I saw him live many times including his run with Greg Valentine. Thanks for the memories "Hot Rod" wRESTle in Peace. 

Pictorial Update for July 2015

Sorry for lack of updates in July as it was a very busy month for Misty and I. Our travels in July took us to Ashland, Martin, and Hazard KY, Lafayette and Atlanta GA, Bradshaw, Princeton and Welch WV, and Dublin VA. Plus local events.  Here is a few pictures from our month. Thanks to Ken Cantrell, Donnie Brannen, and Kim Woodyard for the pictures.
Misty and I on the way to the ring July 4th belltime 1pm

choking one of my favorite foes over the years "Fantastic" Bobby Fulton

Boom Boom out go the lights. Getting ready to punch Bobby as he tries to spank Misty with my whip

On the way to the rin in Martin KY July 4th belltime 7pm

doing a little dental work on Bobby Fulton

Bobby worries about Misty to much and it does not work out for him very well

vs. Earl Fields in Hazard KY on July 8th I have watched Earl grow up and I'm very proud of the wrestler and man he has become

Misty dancing in the Funfest Parade with her friends July 10 Kingsport, TN

Southern States Wrestling's Summer Bash at The Appalachian Fair Grounds Gary, TN July 11

Iron Cross giving a message after the matches in Gray over 20 people gave their hearts to The Lord that night. 

Great birthday (July 17) present going to see the Cubs in Atlanta July 18. Misty's first time seeing the Cubs live. It was a Cubs day. Thanks to our wonderful friend Bobby Simmons for the hook on the tickets

Wrestling for a great group of people in Princeton WV July 22. What do you do when the ref no shows? Put your 12 year old nephew in there. I would in no way do that at a regular wrestling event but was glad he was there for this experience. 

Misty refing Eric St. Clair vs. Krunch at Bradshaw Mountain Community Church in Paynesville WV July 24

me giving a message based on David and Goliath after the matches on Bradshaw Mountain

teaching my nephew Tyler some Appalachian history in Welch WV before lunch July 25. This is the sight where Sid Hatfield was shot down. I talk about him and being here in my second book.

After getting to the New River Valley Fair at 2:30pm so Misty could do a meet and greet I went to the ring at 8:30. That is the earliest I have been to an event in 20 years. I teamed with Drake Tungston to face Jimmy Valiant and Ricky Morton. July 25

It never gets old wrestling these two. I have wrestled and teamed with both many times over the years.  The ref is Patric Purdue one of the best out there. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Southern States Wrestling News

Here is upcoming S.S.W. events for the Summer of 2015

Saturday June 27th 
- Calvary Baptist Church's Village Fest at Borden Mill Village in Kingsport
10am - 1 Free Admission - Food , Games, Music, and two live Matches at Noon 

Then That Night at 7:45 PM The Summer Sizzler inside The Farmers Market Downtown Kingsport, TN
A Fund Raiser for Calvary Baptist Church's Missions Team
Saturday July 11th 6:45PM - Summer Bash - Wrestling, Music, and Fireworks
at The Appalachian Fairgrounds in Gray, TN
Friday July 24 7PM - Faith Fest 2015 - Food, Games, Music and Wrestling
Free Admission Bradshaw Mountain Baptist Church - Bradshaw, WV

wRESTle in Peace Dream

Very sad to hear of the passing of  "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. He was a three time World Champion when that title meant you were on top of  Pro Wrestling. He created Starrcade, The Great American Bash, and countless other "Super Cards". He was a main event attraction for two decades in every major arena in the Country. He was a true Legend of the Squared Circle. And to many of us growing up in the Mid Atlantic territory he was not only a hero he was hope.

He was born with charisma that I don't think anyone could match, a mind on how to draw money and make wrestlers Super Stars, and a gift of interviews everyone who is or wants to be a wrestler should study.

" This Wednesday Night Ric Flair I'm going to break your leg and give the people of East Tennessee The needs they want and the wants they need. When I leave Freedom Hall The World Champion the people can be proud of I hope you can deal with it Ric Flair, I hope you can........Lord I hope you can. This Wednesday Flair you pay the price"

That 10 second stand up interview 30 years ago and the weeks of TV building up for live events gave Jim Crockett promotions their first of many sellouts in Johnson City, TN at The Freedom Hall Civic Center. In fact they were turning people away 45 minutes before bell time. The match was a 20 plus minute blood bath that I remember like it was yesterday. The Dream did not have the fanciest moves nor did he claim to but his match was the one you talked about for days after you left the arena. He also had the match that drew you back the next time.

I had limited time around Dusty but my first time meeting him is a highlight of my childhood. I tell the story in my first book "Do Ya Wanna Be A Wrestler, Kid". My sister Autumn, my Dad and my uncle Odell made our regular trip to The D-B Dome in Kingsport to see the matches Dusty and Manny Fernandez defended the World Tag Titles against Wahoo McDaniel and Tully Blanchard in the Main Event that afternoon. After the matches we went to KFC. A few minutes after we got there in walked Stardust and The Ragin' Bull. I was 10 years old and I was shaking hands with The Champs. They ended up sitting at the table next to us. My sister and I could not help but stare at them. My Dad told us to eat our food and leave them alone. The Dream spoke up and said "it's ok the kids ain't bothering us". We ended up getting autographs and talking with them. I have crossed paths with Dusty a few times since I have been in wrestling but those are the first memories that come to mind when I think of Dusty. Why? Because he was a hero to many kids like me. I just have been blessed enough to be around my heroes.

My family will be praying for his. Thank you "Big Dust" for all the meories and what you gave to our profession. 10 Bells.

Beau James


Monday, May 18, 2015

Memorial Day Sale is Back for a 3rd Year and Wrestling News

The Memorial Day Sale has returned for a third year. This year we are offering the following.

DVD Special
 Buy any two Southern States Wrestling DVDs and get a Third DVD for Free. The S.S.W. DVDs are on the left hand side of this page. If you are looking for an event and don't see it listed just ask.  When you make your order just send a note which DVD you want for free.

Book and DVDs Special
Buy one of my books and get two Southern States Wrestling DVDs fro Free. When you make your order make a not of who you want the book signed to and which DVDs you would like,

Books and DVDs Special 
Buy both of my books and get any Three Southern States Wrestling DVDs or A set of Classic Wrestling DVDs for free. The Classic Sets are listed on the right side of the page. When you make your order make a note of who you want the books signed to and which DVDs you would like.

Books are here and ready to be signed and shipped.

Wrestling News

As Always Misty and I are taking Wrestling bookings. Dates for the summer are filling up so if you are interested in booking us for you next event contact me now

Three BIG S.S.W. dates to make plans to be at now
The Super Summer Sizzler Sat. June 27 Kingsport, TN at the Farmer's Market. A fundraiser for Calvary Baptist Church's Missions team. Come out and support this great cause.

The 23rd Annual Summer Bash will be Sat. July 11th with a 7:00PM bell time at The Appalachian Fair Grounds in Gray, TN. Free admission, food, games, music, and fireworks.

S.S.W./Ministry 29 Wrestling will be apart of Faith Fest in Bradshaw WV Fri. July 25th. Music, games, food, wrestling matches, and wrestlers giving their testimony. 

A few other upcoming events
Fri. May 29th All Star Wrestling - Clinch River Days St.Paul VA 6:00PM Free Admission
Sat. June 13 Mega Wrestling Fire Hall Community Center Racine,WV 7:30PM
Sat. June 20th Georgia more info coming
Sat. July 4th BCW Summer Motion Festival Ashland, KY 2:00PM
Sat. July 25 All Star Wrestling New River Valley Fair Dublin,VA

a lot more dates to be added

Romans 10:9