S.S.W. 33rd Anniversary

S.S.W. 33rd Anniversary

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Remebering Brian Overbay 1972-2014

I told a wrestling friend about 2 months ago we are surrounded by death and is getting ready to come in waves. The last few weeks the waves have started.

Wrestling is hard life at times. I was told when I first started in wrestling that it was not only my job but my duty to be gone away from home more than I would at home. If there was ever a time I wanted to do something other that wrestling related activities then I need to get out.

Wrestling is not only a job it's a way of life. I have missed sister's weddings, family reunions, niece's and nephew's ball games and school activities. All because I was booked. I have always went by the rule that it is not only my responsibility to carry on what was past to me but pass it along to anyone I helped get started in wrestling.

I was also told and have come to see if you are involved in wrestling people stay in touch , but when you are out or on the side lines the phone stops ringing and the emails are all spam. That is a hard reality to grasp at times. Is it right? Probably not but that is the way it is.

Last week we laid to rest a guy that I knew of way before I knew him. I played baseball against him. I saw him ringside growing up at Mid Atlantic and Continental Wrestling. I was introduced to Brian Overbay when I was around 20 years old. We became friends fast. We liked the same sports teams and grew up on the same wrestling.

I was reminded and told by Brian's Mom, cousins, and uncles at his service that he loved me like a brother. I was told that the happiest time of his life was his short wrestling career. Brian and I butted heads a lot about wrestling. Unlike me Brian did not like the road. He wanted to wrestle a small schedule close to home. We would argue about what towns he was going to make almost every week.

Over his 3 1/2 years in wrestling Brian made limited road trips (200 plus miles) with me but everyone is memorable for one reason or another. I did like traveling with him when he would get out and go because when it was over like me he wanted to get in the car and get home. No stopping or spending money.

Brian was liked a lot by the fans who came to the matches. I always pushed him to do more. See more of the country. I suggested the same with his music because he was very talented in playing anything with strings.

Over the last several years I did not keep up with Brian like I should. Life on the road and many changes in my life have changed a lot things the last few years. Like I said before it's a hard to grasp reality. If your in people stay in touch. Out not so much. I sat there at his service thinking about how I did not make the effort to stay in touch like I should. I did not stop by his house like I should. I did not call like I should. He made me madder than anyone else I could ever think of at times. But that was because he was closer to me than just about anyone over the years.

I was so happy to hear that on Mother's Day he called his Mom to tell her he had made everything right with our Lord. That gives me great joy and confront knowing I will see him on the other side and I will be able to make up for lost time.

The last time I saw Brian was right before my surgery. I ran into him while I was out promoting the TNA Wrestling event in Bristol. Brian did not look good and told me he had been sick. I hand no idea how bad it was. I should have took more time and asked. I have had a rough time dealing with this the last few days. I'm sad he is gone and mad at myself for lost time and chances.

I pray that you add Brian's family to your prayers. I can not imagine what it is like losing a child. I have added a couple videos below of the two matches Brian talked about the most. I'm glad I was able to help him enjoy some happiness in his short life.

So long Brian till we meet again

Beau James

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